Entertainment Business School


How to Find I.P. to Adapt – My Strategy Even if You’re New to Hollywood (video 2 of 3)

Why you need I.P. and How to Get It

Spec script sales are pretty much non-existent in the market right now. So if you want to push your career as an above-the-line creative forward in 2023, you really want to pay attention to today’s video.

In today’s video I also answer some great questions that ya’ll have been sending in.

If you know me, you know I’m a realist. I love RESULTS. So this is my best strategy on how to go about getting I.P. – and it works even if you don’t have credits yet – I share an exciting case study about this in the video.

If you’e been watching these and learning from me, you know I advise being a student of the industry. Why?

Power is in positioning!

If you’re not crushing it yet, you’ve GOT to work on your positioning – and getting I.P. is KEY.

So grab your notebook and get ready to learn one of the most powerful strategies anyone will ever share with you about how to give your career rocket boosters.

And keep an eye out for the next video in this series where I answer more of your questions.

I’m excited for your career to really accelerate next year.

But the market is down, and a recession is looming.

So you really need to pay attention to everything I’m teaching you – because it will make your projects more undeniable.

Stay inspired, stay passionate, and up your business game.

And please leave me your comments and questions, and share this video with your wolf pack!

-Kaia Alexander


Entertainment Business School

Entertainment Business League LLC



  • December 10, 2022

    Kaia – thanks for this video and the information, and addressing a few of my questions. Im really excited about taking this course – can’t wait to absorb all the information and to expand my knowledge.


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