Garry Shandling

Kaia is a genius. ~ Garry Shandling, comedian

Who is it For?

  • Screenwriters
  • Writer/Directors
  • Aspiring Showrunners

We need your stories.

Hungry to break in, and see your work on screen? Get the training you need to be taken seriously as a pro writer with the Entertainment Business Mastery Course.

The industry is hungry for new stories. But being talented isn’t enough. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes I see is that talented creatives set off on the road to their dreams without knowing anyone in the business.

You need opportunities and drive, and especially relationships. If you try and lone wolf it in this relationships-driven business, you’ll go hungry, just like a wolf without a pack.

That’s why I’m now known for saying, Find your Wolf Pack. It’s the philosophy of my entire company. That’s why the Entertainment Business Mastery Course is a great place to start advancing your understanding of this business, as well as how to make relationships that matter.

I designed the Entertainment Business Mastery Course so you get insider knowledge of how the business works, plus actionable skills to develop your career and achieve your ambitions.

An Introductory Entertainment Business Course

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The Reality is You Need Business Training

Even with an MFA, many writers are left in the cold about how the business side works. You invest all that time and money learning your craft, and then plunge into the industry only to wonder… how do I sell it? How do I get paid to do this at the highest levels?

I’m here to help you fill in those gaps! And we can get you started in 5 weeks together. Teaching you is what I live for. I’m already invested in your success.

See you inside!


The reality is that what you don’t know about business can kill your career. Talent, while imperative, is never enough in this highly competitive field. You need an advantage, and understanding of how this opaque industry works to get ahead and reach the highest levels of the business.


This is a go-at-your-own-pace course. Sessions are all conveniently located in your online portal.
11 Classes total:
5 Lectures
5 Workshops

The lectures include slides on that week’s topic
The workshops include real life coaching with actual students
Plus a Resources Section

5 Week Syllabus:


Week 1: The Entertainment Business 101

How this business is different than any other in the world. Do you need to start a production company? When should you do that? How do you protect your ideas/I.P.? How are film and TV similar and different? Should you have a business partner? Business basics. Who should be on your team? How do you find your #WolfPack? Understanding the roles of attorneys, managers, agents, publicists. How can you optimize your positioning and talent for a career above-the-line. What mistakes you need to avoid.


Week 2: Vision & Branding

Your vision is your true north in this business. It’s your internal identity that guides your every career decision. Without it, you can get lost. Your brand is how everyone in the industry identifies you. What your unique skillset and story DNA is, and why they should hire you. Developing your brand is the #1 way to stand out from the herd and keep moving up. Conveying your brand to buyers impresses them, and shows them you’re worth taking a chance on.

Community Building

Week 3: Community Building (Networking 2.0)

Networking is the way to working. I teach you how to rock it. Write your bio, position your accomplishments, and learn how to share who you are in a mixer situation, in a cold email or DM, and on your outfacing social media and website. How do you stay well-positioned? Make sure you stay top of mind for the movers and shakers in the business. You’ll take some fun personality tests this week! Includes a segment on sociopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism and how to avoid them, and partner good people.


Week 4: Pitching

Learn my personal pitch technique that stems from the hundreds of pitches I sat through as a buyer. Yes, there is a wrong way to pitch! I see it mistakes all the time that you need to avoid. My proven technique means you can pitch your work and your career to anyone who asks at any level of the industry- even to titans – and even if all you have is 1min. You’ll learn to connect, translate why someone should listen to you, tap your passion for a great pitch session, and make sure you know how to follow up so you always have a next step to build that important relationship. Plus you get to hear some real pitch practices from students in the workshop.


Week 5: Money, Money, Money

Is the investor serious? How do you close them? I’ve been inside these wheelworks for many companies, worked with attorneys, raised seed rounds of capital as well as film financing, and seen places this can go wrong or stall- even for years. You should know how and when to protect yourself and your ideas—and also when it’s safe to share them. This week includes a section on tax rebates in film, and film incentives by country, state, and city. (We don’t have time in the Intro class to cover budgets, but we do a deeper dive into budgets in the Entertainment Business School.)


This course is virtual, asynchronous and go-at-your-own-pace. This course is not taught live. If you want to take live classes, please apply to the Entertainment Business School: 

We always have your back! We are the #WolfPack.


Plus you get these special bonuses designed to
take your career to the next level

Yours FREE

How to Break In for Writers:

This guide includes lists of fellowships, festivals, overlooked strategies and a clear understanding of how to find partners for your projects in film and TV.
Value: $167

How to Pitch Anything In 1min:

Kaia teaches her unique pitching technique that students have used on 3 continents to secure meetings and sell their TV shows and films.
Value: $147

How to Query – A Guide for Writers:

This guide includes a practical how-to approach, as well as proven templates for querying managers and book agents.
Value $197

The Most Recent TV/film Mandates:

Released twice a year and very difficult to get a hold of, you’ll find everything that studios and streamers are looking for in film/TV.
Value: $299


Yours FREE!!

When you register.



You’re probably wondering…. That’s great, but what’s the cost?

Business training is expensive and often exclusive.

But we don’t agree that it should be. We believe in accessibility, transparency and inclusion. We think that exclusivity in business training means creatives without financial wealth are left in the cold, and we’re devoted to serving everyone who wants this information. That’s why this course is not thousands of dollars.


With the lectures, expert instruction, and the resources, the value of the Entertainment Business Mastery Course is:

Regular Course Price




Total Value:



That’s 80% off!

An Introductory Entertainment Business Course

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You can request to
And we’ll talk to you about the program to hear your goals, and
help you decide if it’s a fit for you


What’s different about the Entertainment Business Mastery Course vs. the Entertainment Business School?

Great question. Our flagship EBS program is a 12-week live training with Kaia- and it’s only taught twice a year. You’re on the page for our Entertainment Business Mastery class right now, which is the 5-week basic program. Feel like taking a deeper dive into learning the entertainment business? See more on the page for the Entertainment Business School.

What happens after I register?

You’ll get immediate access to the course.

Kaia, I really want a manager/agent, will you help me?

We do NOT bring in reps for you to pitch, or in any way guarantee you will get a rep by participating in any EBL trainings. If you’re a writer and that’s your main goal, please see our friends at Roadmap Writers!

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes. We never want cost to be a barrier to committed students. We offer a limited number of scholarships per year. First priority is given to students with financial hardship, with an emphasis on students who are statistically under-represented in the entertainment industry. These spots are extremely competitive, so please do not base your expectation on taking the course on landing a scholarship. Send an email to our team with a brief introduction and why we should consider you. [CONTACT US]


Want a certification? Nope, not for the Entertainment Business Mastery Course. We only offer certification to students who attend the Entertainment Business School.

Take me to the application page for EBS


Our goal is to provide gold standard business education for above-the-line creatives in the entertainment business and make sure our students have the best learning experience possible. If you started your course within the last 30 days contact our support team to see if you are eligible for a refund under our 30-day satisfaction guarantee.

Kaia Alexander

About Kaia Alexander


aia Alexander is the CEO/founder of the Entertainment Business League and Entertainment Business School. She was a development executive on the feature films JUST FRIENDS, PEACEFUL WARRIOR, THE GOOD NIGHT, and HACHI: A DOG’S TALE. She also worked for late comedian Garry Shandling. Kaia hosts the popular podcast, Entertainment Business Wisdom, with industry guests. She’s an award-winning Harper Collins novelist for Written in the Ashes, and recipient of the prestigious United States Congressional Youth Leadership Award. Also a writer/producer, she’s a passionate advocate for gender and racial parity in Hollywood. As an animal lover and native of Southern California, there’s always surfboards on her car and fur on her sleeves. She’s proud to be the BQ in LGBTQ.

About Kaia Alexander


aia Alexander is the CEO/founder of the Entertainment Business School. She was a development executive on many feature films including JUST FRIENDS (with Ryan Reynolds), PEACEFUL WARRIOR (with Nick Nolte), THE GOOD NIGHT (Gwyneth Paltrow & Penelope Cruz), and HACHI: A DOG’S TALE (with Richard Gere). She worked for and was mentored by comedian Garry Shandling. She’s an award-winning novelist for her book about the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria, Written in the Ashes (Harper Collins). As a writer/producer brand is badass, adventurous women. A passionate advocate for diversity, parity and inclusion, Kaia created several scholarships to her programs as well as mentorships for women worldwide. If you ever corner her at a party, be sure to ask her about her passion for surfing. She’s proud to be the BQ in LGBTQ.