Entertainment Business School

EBL Producer Stuart Volkow reporting from the PGA “Produced By” Conference 2022

EBL Producer Stuart Volkow reporting from the PGA “Produced By” Conference 2022

This Just In: Buyers are still buying!

This weekend I asked our PGA producer Stuart Volkow to report for us on the state of the industry with fresh intel from the PGA “Produced By” Conference.

There’s been a lot of upheaval- between no safety for c-suite execs from getting ousted (Jeff Frost the president of Sony was let go after a 15year run last week), to the Netflix stock and valuation plunge that left above-the-line creatives wondering… can I sell my show now? How will this affect me and my work? What’s really happening at the buyer level right now?

Stuart filmed this wrap video for you after the conference to share what he learned about what buyers are thinking now – and it’s mostly GOOD NEWS.

(Netflix assures everyone they are buying, network execs want everything still, why your project needs a deck and a sizzle, and how to get in front of the buyers)

Please feel free to leave a commend below and share this video.

As Kaia expands the Entertainment Business League, we plan to bring you more fresh takes like this one to help you with your career positioning.

You got this!


  • June 21, 2022
    Jose Casado

    This is reaffirming intel from Stuart. Thanks for sharing, Kaia.


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