Kaia is a genius. ~ Garry Shandling, comedian
If you intend to become a showrunner, or a fulltime working professional in the entertainment business, you need a degree in people.
Entertainment Business Grad School is the preparation you need.
These are the core lessons that take everything you learned in EBS to the next level!
The EBS Community is Your Wolfpack!
From finding your new partners for production, to meeting your new best friends, we can’t wait to welcome you into the wolfpack! So far there have been 7 wolfpack productions of shorts, features and podcasts where our students/alums met in EBS. We have a growing worldwide network for you to plug into with our Howls. Who will you meet in EBS?
EBS Grad School Syllabus:

Week 1: Conflict Resolution for Filmmakers
Conflict is inevitable, do you have the skills to resolve it quickly? Fix problems before they arise, solve them in the moment, and strengthen & empower your team from set to screen. From tight deadlines to a shoot going over-budget, some of the hardest decisions of your life and career will be made in the highest stress moments. There are stories from this cut-throat business that will curl your teeth. People lose their cool. Business relationships fall apart. Or something happens in your personal life like the death of a loved one that affects your ability to perform. Conflict Resolution is the crucial skillsket you need, which is based in the tradition of non-violent communication (NVC). Learn how to give empathy. Learn how to convey your feelings and needs and make clear requests of others so that they hear you. Discover the most important skillset leaders need: conflict resolution.

Week 2: Build Your Audience
In the most competitive industry in the world, eyeballs are undeniable, and the sooner you have them, the more power you have. One of the most overlooked ways to make deals and negotiate more money in a deal is to build your platform and curate an established audience. So, what can you do to create one? Includes website basics, like making sure your website serves both your audience AND your potential buyers. Lead magnets, and conversion tactics. Plus, how to build your email list.

Week 3: Reputation
The old adage about how it takes a lifetime to build a reputation but an instant to destroy it is true. This week you’ll learn the best practices of managing your reputation, and what to do when your reputation ends up in hot water so you can save it before it’s too late. You’ll learn about publicists as well as PR crisis “fixers” and what they do to both build and rescue their clients reputation when millions of dollars are at stake. You only get one reputation, you’ve got to protect it with everything you’ve got. Too many filmmakers don’t realize this and put their foot in it on social media. This class will cover all the ins and outs of defending and bolstering yours.

Week 4: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
In week 4, your collab will pitch your project to the class, and to several industry pros. This mini-pitch fest will include guidance on structuring your pitch from Kaia, and plenty of time to practice. This is where you put everything you’ve learned in both EBS and EBS Grad School to work! Your 15min pitch session with your team will be presented to everyone live. A winning team will be selected and awarded!
All New for EBS Grad School!
Introducing The Collab Lounge.
Wolfpack unite! The first week of class you’ll be put into teams. A prompt will be given to all the teams, and a challenge issued to dream up a movie or TV show based on the prompt, that you’ll work together on for 4 weeks until you pitch in week 4. Every Thursday you’ll meet to decide your above-the-line roles, imagine the project and name it, craft your logline, design your deck, and ultimately your pitch. Pitches will be presented by the whole team to the class, to Kaia, and to guest industry pros. This is a mock scenario to gives you industry practice on working together, and pitching. Plus! Since you’re learning conflict resolution, fun challenges will be issued in the way of mock conflicts given to your teams to resolve. It’s going to be a blast!
The pre-requisite for EBS Grad School is EBS. If you haven’t yet taken EBS, please learn more, sign up and apply at EntertainmentBusinessSchool.com
4-weeks of weekly training sessions and lessons from Kaia Alexander, delivered live via Zoom.
60min. Weekly
Guest Speakers
Office Hours Zoom Drop In Session
All on Zoom
We have a Slack for your class of EBS Grad School that will give you access to both Kaia as your instructor and your fellow students.
June 3-28th, 2024
4 Weeks of Wolfpack Collab
Only offered once a year!
Regular price:
Special for the first class:
You save $300!

If you have a coupon you can apply it on the next page.

Yes, you can take EBS for a certification! For students who desire a certification, you can create a portfolio of completed exercises and work to be turned in one week after classes end. Certifications are only given to students who complete all classes, and turn in all work.
The Entertainment Business School is a certification program.
You cannot miss more than 4 live classes to be eligible for certification.
Yes! A Certificate of Completion is available to students who do not miss more than 3 live classes.

Your satisfaction matters to us. Refunds are granted on a case by case basis. Please contact support with your issue.

Kaia Alexander
Kaia Alexander is the CEO and founder of the Entertainment Business League and Entertainment Business School for above the line creatives. Also a producer | writer | director, she began her industry career as a development executive on the feature films JUST FRIENDS, PEACEFUL WARRIOR and THE GOOD NIGHT. She was mentored by comedian Garry Shandling and novelist Tom Robbins. She’s an award-winning author for her historical novel Written in the Ashes about the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria (Harper Collins, 2016). Kaia is a passionate advocate for gender and racial parity in the business, and she created a free virtual group for women writers called Writing with Kaia that has members in 30+ countries. As an animal lover, mom, and native of Southern California, there’s always surfboards on Kaia’s car (and fur on her sleeves).
Kaia Alexander
Kaia Alexander is the CEO/founder of the Entertainment Business School. She was a development executive on many feature films including JUST FRIENDS (with Ryan Reynolds), PEACEFUL WARRIOR (with Nick Nolte), THE GOOD NIGHT (Gwyneth Paltrow & Penelope Cruz), and HACHI: A DOG’S TALE (with Richard Gere). She worked for and was mentored by comedian Garry Shandling. She’s an award-winning novelist for her book about the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria, Written in the Ashes (Harper Collins). As a writer/producer brand is badass, adventurous women. A passionate advocate for diversity, parity and inclusion, Kaia created several scholarships to her programs as well as mentorships for women worldwide. If you ever corner her at a party, be sure to ask her about her passion for surfing.