Entertainment Attorney Phillip Rosen, Rosen Law Group – What Creatives Need To Know!
Entertainment Attorney Phillip Rosen, Rosen Law Group - What Creatives Need To Know!
Writer showrunner Glen Mazarra on development, NFTs as IP, and tools to deal with rejection
Writer showrunner Glen Mazarra on development, NFTs as IP, and tools to deal with rejection
Dreaming Big with Multi Hypenate Delina Patrice Brooks aka “DelinaDream”.
Dreaming Big with Multi Hypenate Delina Patrice Brooks aka “DelinaDream”.
Veteran Show Runner Jeff Melvoin, Author of “Running the Show: Television from the Inside”, Founder of the WGA’s Showrunner Training Program
Veteran Show Runner Jeff Melvoin, Author of "Running the Show: Television from the Inside", Founder of the WGA's Showrunner Training Program